Monday, March 18, 2013

What's In a Name?

Perhaps you have heard the story of how the new Pope chose his name.  As it became clear in the conclave that he was going to be elected, his good friend Card Claudio Hummes, gave him a hug and said, "Don't forget the poor."  That lead to his thinking about Francis of Assisi--and so he chose to become Francis I.

What some reports have missed, however, is the fact that his choosing the name had to do with more  than his commitment to the poor (an extremely important commitment) and his commitment to peace (an equally important commitment), but also due to Francis of Assisi's commitment to the earth!  "Francis," said the new Pope, "was a man of peace, who loved and and protected creation.  In our times, our relationship to Creation is not that good, right?"  (

It remains to be seen if this means that the new Pope will follow through on any of these commitments himself, though his track record, at least in terms of the poor, seems to suggest he will.  But how intriguing that we might have a Pope committed to environmental protection! 

The original Francis is credited with writing the beautiful "Canticle to the Sun", which speaks of Brother Sun and Sister Moon.  It also offers thanks to God for Sister Water, described as "useful, humble, precious and pure," and Sister Earth, "who sustains us."  Francis of Assisi understood that we live in an interdependant world, and protecting creation is essential to the well-being of humanity.  Might Pope Francis I be informed by such a spirit!  Might he truly reflect the environmental concerns of his namesake.

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