Monday, April 3, 2017

Pondering Palm Sunday--Or At Least the Palms

We recently placed an order for palm fronds to use during worship on Palm Sunday.  I'm not sure why we order them.  It's like taking coals to Newcastle!  I mean, we live in Florida!  We could go outside and cut them for ourselves.  But we order them, and they get shipped to us from who knows where!  We do cut our own palm branches--the ones the children of the congregation will use to parade around the sanctuary at the beginning of worship.  But the fronds that we hand out to worshippers as they leave the service, those will have come from somewhere far away.

Ordering our palm fronds is a practice that predates my time here on Sanibel.  I think we use the same supplier that was used years ago before my arrival in 2010.  I didn't start the tradition--I'm just following in the footsteps of those who've gone before me.

Now in the overall scheme of things I'm not sure it makes much difference whether we get our palm fronds through the mail or out the back door.  But I think there is something here to be learned about the power of tradition, and the ease of habit.  How often do we inherit a way of thinking, a way of doing, a way of being, without giving it much thought?  How often do we simply do things the way they've always been done?  Tradition has its value--no question.  And habits can make life easier is good ways as well.  I'm glad I don't have to think twice about brushing my teeth or taking a shower.  But unquestioned, unchallenged, habits and traditions are often anachronistic, and sometimes even dangerous.

Maybe next year we'll cut our own palm fronds.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. I can surely relate. (I mean as a grower trying to market fresh local produce)
    What if this purchase was brought up in a meeting before next year's celebration...local palm fronds might be at least easier on the trucking from a distance. You might even be able to get them for free; lots of builders and landscapers cut fronds, although I wish the lansdscapers wouldn't cut the green ones. Just an idea
