Monday, September 3, 2018

Have You Forgotten Jacksonville?

I think it has finally happened.  What many of us worried about ahs come to pass.  For some time I've been concerned that a time would come when mass shootings would become so commonplace that we would lose interest in them.  That they would fail to prick our hearts and instead become "same-old, same old".  And I think that's where we are at the moment.

On Sunday, August 26 around 1:30 in the afternoon, 24 year-old David Katz opened fire at a video game competition and shot and killed 27 year-old Taylor Robinson and 22 year-old Eli Clayton.  Eleven others were injured in the gunfire, and Katz finally took his own life.  It was reported in the news, but then, essentially disappeared.  Not in Jacksonville, but around much of the rest of the nation.  Even here in Southwest Florida.

Do we no longer care?  Does the fact that it was a video game competition and not a school or church make a difference?  Does the fact that the weapons were legally obtained make a difference?  Does the fact that the shooter didn't use a so-called long gun change it?  Three young people have died.  And others have had their lives scarred in more ways than physically.  It matters.  There are issues to address.  Let us not forget, there are issues to address.

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