Monday, July 22, 2019

Snoopy and the In-Betweens or, What About Justice?

I clipped out a Peanuts comic strip some time ago that seems to capture some of the current discontent in this country and around the world.  Linus and Snoopy are standing outside and it's raining.  A real downpour.  Linus, ever the philosopher/theologian says, turns to his canine friend and says, "So you're getting a little wet . . . don't look so depressed . . ."  Then as he
walks away he quotes a bit of scripture, "Remember, it rains on the just and the unjust."  In the final frame, Snoopy sits looking rather puzzled as the rain continues.  "But why," he thinks to himself, "Why us in-betweens."

I suspect most of us think of ourselves as "in-betweens"--and not simply about matters of justice.  I can't cite the source, but I remember reading once that most Americans think of themselves as being middle-class, even if they have house worth hundreds and hundreds of thousands, and six figure salaries.  In-betweens.

Perhaps, though, instead of getting hung up on labels, we would be wise, if we truly are in-betweens in terms of justice, to take a look at ourselves and not make excuses for the injustices we ignore or even inflict.  How easy to say, "Well, yes I do this unjust thing sometimes--but most of the time I'm very good, very moral, very just."  Maybe we would all be a bit better if we were more honest, and attempted to make right the things that are wrong.

Not that I am free of such rationalizing.  Sometimes I just sit in the rain and grumble as well.

(Photo:  Charles Schultz, creator of Peanuts)

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