Monday, March 16, 2020

St. Patrick and the Virus

Over and over again I hear people describing the current situation as "surreal".  I know what the word means, but I thought it worthwhile to look it up.  Here's what Webster has to say about it:  "surreal, adj, 1. marked by the intense irrationality of dreams; also:  UNBELIEVABLE, FANTASTIC."  There is more, but that's the gist of it.

The problem is, as unbelievable, as fantastic, as it may seem, it is very real  And though it ought seem like a bad dream, even a nightmare, what's going on now is very real.  But some of us are having a hard time grasping that.  Last night in neighboring Fort Myers, there were all manner of revelers in the local bars and restaurants, getting an early start on St. Patrick's Day.  There was no social distancing, just the usual mayhem of that day devoted to green beer, corned beef and cabbage.

Don't get me wrong, I love corned beef and cabbage.  And while I could take or leave green beer, I am not opposed to raising a cold one on occasion.  But it is time to stop deluding ourselves.  It is time to acknowledge this is a reality with which we must cope.  That means being willing to act in responsible, thoughtful ways, that recognize the importance of protecting our neighbors.

Boy does this all sound rather preachy!  And I suppose it is.  Occupational hazard!  But until and unless we all work together to curb the spread of the virus, we are inviting the same sort of problems that are already being faced elsewhere.

St. Patrick is said to have written, "I pray to God that God grant me perseverance . . . ."  It is a good prayer for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Wise words! May they awaken us to the sober reality of what we are facing!
